Have your say: Be part of the conversations that shape developing SEDNA products and features by volunteering as an R&D member!

Who are R&D members?

These are the trusted, brainy braintrust of real SEDNA users shown early-stage SEDNA features before anyone else.

Why join the R&D community?

Being part of R&D is your invitation to look behind the curtain at SEDNA and share your thoughts on the latest feature ideas we’ve been cooking up.

How does it work?

Once you’ve registered here, our team will be in touch when there's a research participation opportunity relevant to you.

What do you get to do?

R&D opportunities are optional, and users get to participate in a number of ways, including:

  • Closed-session testing of experimental prototypes
  • Feedback surveys of concepts we're testing, and what you think of them
  • Q&A on the pain points you wish SEDNA would solve in your daily work
What do we do with R&D feedback?

You’ll be asked if we may collect notes or record research sessions. Feedback data is only shared with SEDNA staff, unless you give permission for it to be shared with specific other groups.

How will your personal data be collected, stored, and shared?

We’ll collect and store personal data, including your name, email address and role, as well as any analytics data connected to your use of provided R&D features.

Is research testing confidential?

Research is non-confidential within SEDNA, meaning we may share data that identifies you to other people within SEDNA. Any clips or quotes that we use in internal reports and presentations may not be fully anonymized.

Do I have the right to withdraw my data?

Of course! Your participation in the R&D group is voluntary and you can ask to withdraw at any point.

Contact SEDNA Research at research@sedna.com at any point to withdraw your data.

Become an R&D Member
